by Jym

YEAR OF THE QUI (WATER) BOAR. 4682. Fifth Moon: The Month of Contact, 6/11 7/9, 1983. Beware of the seeming innocent. Understand the long term consequences of contact.

To determine your sign, check for your year of birth at the entry for each sign. RAT: 1900-12-124-136-48-'60-'72

Females read DOG: If you find yourself unhappy with those surrounding you, reexamine motives and responses. Only where there are mutual goals and understanding can there be success.

OX: 1901-13-125-137-149-161-173 Females read COCK: Accept the help you need from those who are willing to serve, but do not be used for your strengths. Don't try to take things easy: work. and then accomplish. TIGER: 1902-'14-'26-138-'50-'62-174 Females Read MONKEY: Share your ideas and don't be stubborn about what you think you want. There should be a great deal of activity around you during this time: use it to propel forward.

CAT: 1903-115-127-139-151-163-175 Females read RAM: Past ills can be resolved during this time. This car be a time of promise. Further established relationships: nothing new. Meet half-way without ulterior motives to assure success. DRAGON: 1904-116-128-140-152-164-176 Females read HORSE: Organize. Get involved but don't supply more than can be dealt with. Don't join yourself to things you don't want to be part of. Wait.

SNAKE: 1905-117-129-141-153-165-177 Females read SNAKE: There is always difficulty with advancement: plan on it and stop worrying about things you can not change. Your efforts can bring experience that will not be replaced.

HORSE: 1906-118-130-142-154-166-178

Females read DRAGON: This can be a time for you to balance previous instabilities: work at it. Push up and out: grow. Depend only on what is right and proper. Remove what is alien to your nature.

RAM: 1907-19-131-143-155-167-179 Females read CAT: Recognize that as you grow stronger now that those unconcerned before should be properly left behind. Don't jeopardize your independence except for what is good. Beware.

MONKEY: 1908-120-132-144-156-168-180 Females read TIGER: Misfortunes should be left behind. now. Restore your self-confidence. Be progressive. You will get what you need. Don't bear any grudges: things will be pleasant again.

COCK: 1909-121-133-145-'57-'69-181 Females read OX: Be sure of job security during this month: don't make waves. Calm yourself and stick to routine. Control your energies. Be sure of every step you take. DOG: 1910-122-134-146-158-170-182 Females read RAT: Forgive the past and help when and where you can. Concentrate on overcoming your shortcomings that are emphasized during this time. Take a long look deep within.

BOAR: 1911-123-135-147-159-'71-'83 Females read. BOAR: Watch traveling and finances this month. Use your instincts and emotions and prepare to perservere. Be solid and reliable and you will go far.

FOR A NEW PERSPECTIVE...FOR UNDERSTANDING. Charts available to meet your needs. Terms available to meet your budget. Other types of Readings available. Group sessions & rates. CALL JYM at 631-8281.

I will be on WJW-AM 850 again June 14th at 8:00pm. For more information feel free to contact me.

023 Monroe


JUNE 12th



Come "STEEL" Our Drinks!

(Rear at Central)

Rustler Saloon

Drink Specials

Party at KEYS

Snacks Hard Hats

May 29th, 1983 was the 15th Annivesary of Kevin & Mark, the owners of Keys, and Mike D. from ACTION and the one-and-only Totie had a little party for them at Keys.

The 400 plus invited guests arrived by 7:30 and most of them were still there at closing time. The guests feasted on a lavish buffet prepared by Danny K. and David S. from Keys and the champagne flowed freely all night long.

There were many beautiful floral arrangements sent from all over, three very pretty ones came from Ray & Bob from Club Cleveland, Jon of Jon Brittain's Richard Michaels Florist and Danny from Keys.

David B., from Arcade Art, supplied a special singing telegram from Eastern Onion and the Balloon Lady never the party to go back to work.

Everyone had a super time celebrating Mark & Kevin's 15th and are looking forward to helping them celebrate number 16.



Toledo, Ohio

Saturday, May 29th was the Stallions' "Annual Charity Auction". This year the Auction was held at A Man's World and Totie was the Master-of-Cerimonias.

Every year the Stallions, Inc. hold this event with all proceeds going to a local charity. This year over $1,000.00 was donated to the Cleveland Clinic's A.I.D.S. Research Department.

This year, as always, in addition to many fine pieces of Artwork and Hot posters, most of which were donated by Arcade Art, there were lots of 'Bar Gift Certificates' but the men were the center of attention.

The Stallions are always working very hard to promote a better atmosphere for the Gay Community in Northern Ohio and we applaude them for it. Also, don't forget, June 19th is their yearly "Father's Day Trip to Cedar Point", the round-trip tickets are only $20 and are available at A Man's World, Leather Stallion Saloon and the Vaults.